@article{PAR00015226, title = {{F}requency and triggering of small-scale submarine landslides on decadal timescales : analysis of 4{D} bathymetric data from the continental slope offshore {N}ice ({F}rance)}, author = {{K}elner, {M}. and {M}igeon, {S}. and {T}ric, {E}mmanuel and {C}ouboulex, {F}. and {D}ano, {A}. and {L}ebourg, {T}. and {T}aboada, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}ime-series bathymetric data acquired from 1967 to 2011 are used to evaluate the morphological evolution of the continental shelf and upper continental slope off the city of {N}ice ({SE} {F}rance, {L}igurian {S}ea). {M}apping in water depths of 0-300 m was undertaken to identify the changing morphology of landslide scars and their erosive chutes. {Q}uantitative {D}igital {T}errain {M}odel ({DTM}) comparisons reveal areas of erosion and deposition over intervals of 5-8 years. {S}ediment remobilization events on the upper slope (above depths of 200 m) are frequent and significant; landslide scars with volumes > 25,000 m(3) can occur with frequencies of <8 years. {S}helf break retreat toward the coastline can reach 60 m over 7-8 years where the continental shelf is wider (>200 m). {P}eriods of quiescence (1980-1990 and 2006-2011) are seen to alternate with periods when rapid retrogressive failure increase sediment volumes eroded from the upper slope-shelf transition by an order of magnitude (1999-2006). {T}emporal variations in landslide activity were correlated to several potential triggering factors that individually would not induce failures, including earthquake activity, rapid deposition of fine-grained sediments on a steep slope, and rainfall leading to fresh groundwater circulation below the shelf. {T}his 4{D} bathymetric study suggests that over the last 50 years the most important factor triggering landslides offshore {N}ice is overpressure due to freshwater outflows.}, keywords = {{L}igurian {S}ea ; {N}ice ; {G}eohazards ; {B}athymetry ; {C}ontinental slope ; {G}eomorphology ; {S}ubmarine landslides ; {T}riggering mechanism ; {FRANCE} ; {MEDITERRANNEE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {G}eology}, volume = {379}, numero = {}, pages = {281--297}, ISSN = {0025-3227}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.margeo.2016.06.009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00015226}, }