@article{PAR00015079, title = {{E}valuation of a new extraction protocol for yeast identification by mass spectrometry}, author = {{G}ouriet, {F}. and {G}hiab, {F}. and {C}ouderc, {C}. and {B}ittar, {F}. and {D}upont, {H}. {T}. and {F}laudrops, {C}. and {C}asalta, {J}. {P}. and {S}ambe-{B}a, {B}. and {F}all, {B}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier and {F}enollar, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this paper, we evaluate a rapid and safe pretreatment procedure using glass beads for {MALDI}-{TOF} yeast identification in a routine clinical laboratory avoiding the use of formic acid. {W}e created a new yeast database library using 1186 yeasts, including 11 references strains. {T}he database was tested using 2131 clinical isolates allowing accurate species-level identification in 98.9% (2107/2131) of cases with a score over 1.9 and in 99% (2123/2131) of the strains at the genus level. {T}he new protocol is a rapid, reliable and safe procedure for the accurate identification of pathogenic {C}andida strains and requires minimal handling.}, keywords = {{Y}east ; {M}ass spectrometry ; {I}dentification}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}icrobiological {M}ethods}, volume = {129}, numero = {}, pages = {61--65}, ISSN = {0167-7012}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.mimet.2016.08.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00015079}, }