@article{PAR00015068, title = {{U}se of {MALDI}-{TOF} {MS} and culturomics to identify mosquitoes and their midgut microbiota}, author = {{T}andina, {F}. and {A}lmeras, {L}. and {K}one, {A}. {K}. and {D}oumbo, {O}. {K}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier and {P}arola, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {M}osquitoes transmit a wide range of human parasitic and viral diseases. {I}n recent years, new techniques such as {MALDI}-{TOF} {MS} have been developed to identify mosquitoes at the species level, which is key for entomological surveys. {A}dditionally, there is increasing interest in the mosquito microbiota and its role in vector capacity. {M}ethods: {T}he culturomics approach previously used in our laboratory to study human gut microbiota was applied to evaluate the midgut bacterial diversity of {A}nopheles gambiae (wild and laboratory strains), {A}edes albopictus (wild and laboratory strains) and {C}ulex quinquefasciatus (wild strains) in order to determine the influence of the environmental status on the midgut microbiota of the mosquitoes. {R}esults: {M}osquitoes collected in the field were accurately identified by {MALDI}-{TOF} {MS} analysis of their legs. {A}dult mosquito midgut microbiota was composed of four phyla, including {P}roteobacteria, {B}acteroidetes,{A}ctinobacteria and {F}irmicutes. {T}he majority of the bacteria detected in the microbiota of mosquitoes were gram-negative and belong to the phylum {P}roteobacteria. {MALDI}-{TOF} {MS} identified for the first time a new bacterial species from {A}n. gambiae midgut microbiota. {C}onclusion: {I}n this study, the culturomics approach was found to be a reliable technique for exploring the diversity of the mosquito microbiota. {MALDI}-{TOF} {MS} was confirmed as a promising technique to identify mosquitoes collected in the field. {C}ulturomics allowed the isolation of a new bacterial species not previously associated with mosquito vectors. {T}he environment plays a role in the bacterial diversity of the microbiota, which could enable the development of new control strategies for mosquito-borne disease.}, keywords = {{A}nopheles gambiae {G}iles ; {A}edes albopictus ; {C}ulex quinquefasciatus ; {C}ulturomics ; {MALDI}-{TOF} {MS} ; {M}icrobiota}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}arasites and {V}ectors}, volume = {9}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 495}, ISSN = {1756-3305}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1186/s13071-016-1776-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00015068}, }