@article{PAR00014890, title = {{M}ouse model of {C}oxiella burnetii aerosolization}, author = {{M}elenotte, {C}. and {L}epidi, {H}. and {N}appez, {C}. and {B}echah, {Y}. and {A}udoly, {G}. and {T}erras, {J}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier and {B}regeon, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}oxiella burnetii is mainly transmitted by aerosols and is responsible for multiple-organ lesions. {A}nimal models have shown {C}. burnetii pathogenicity, but long-term outcomes still need to be clarified. {W}e used a whole-body aerosol inhalation exposure system to mimic the natural route of infection in immunocompetent ({BALB}/c) and severe combined immunodeficient ({SCID}) mice. {A}fter an initial lung inoculum of 10(4) {C}. burnetii cells/lung, the outcome, serological response, hematological disorders, and deep organ lesions were described up to 3 months postinfection. {C}. burnetii-specific {PCR}, anti-{C}. burnetii immunohistochemistry, and fluorescent in situ hybridization ({FISH}) targeting {C}. burnetii-specific 16{S} r{RNA} completed the detection of the bacterium in the tissues. {I}n {BALB}/c mice, a thrombocytopenia and lymphopenia were first observed, prior to evidence of {C}. burnetii replication. {I}n all {SCID} mouse organs, {DNA} copies increased to higher levels over time than in {BALB}/c ones. {C}linical signs of discomfort appeared in {SCID} mice, so follow-up had to be shortened to 2 months in this group. {A}t this stage, all animals presented bone, cervical, and heart lesions. {T}he presence of {C}. burnetii could be attested in situ for all organs sampled using immunohistochemistry and {FISH}. {T}his mouse model described {C}. burnetii {N}ine {M}ile strain spread using aerosolization in a way that corroborates the pathogenicity of {Q} fever described in humans and completes previously published data in mouse models. {C}. burnetii infection occurring after aerosolization in mice thus seems to be a useful tool to compare the pathogenicity of different strains of {C}. burnetii.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nfection and {I}mmunity}, volume = {84}, numero = {7}, pages = {2116--2123}, ISSN = {0019-9567}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1128/iai.00108-16}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00014890}, }