@article{PAR00014808, title = {{PAP} assays in newborn screening for cystic fibrosis : a population-based cost-effectiveness study}, author = {{S}eror, {V}. and {C}ao, {C}. and {R}oussey, {M}. and {G}iorgi, {R}och}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjectives: {T}o compare the cost effectiveness of adding a pancreatitis-associated protein ({PAP}) assay to common immunoreactive trypsinogen ({IRT}) and {DNA} cystic fibrosis ({CF}) newborn screening strategies. {M}ethods: {U}sing data collected on 553,167 newborns, {PAP} cut-offs were calculated based on non-inferiority of the detection rates of classical forms of {CF}. {C}ost effectiveness was considered from the third-party payer's perspective using only direct medical costs, and the unit costs of {PAP} assays were assessed based on a micro-costing study. {R}obustness of the cost-effectiveness estimates was assessed, taking the secondary outcomes of screening (ie. detecting mild forms and {CF} carriers) into account. {R}esults: {IRT}/{DNA}, {IRT}/{PAP}, and {IRT}/{PAP}/{DNA} strategies had similar detection rates for classical forms of {CF}, but the strategies involving {PAP} assays detected smaller numbers of mild forms of {CF}. {T}he {IRT}/{PAP} strategy was cost-effective in comparison with either {IRT}/{DNA} or {IRT}/{PAP}/{DNA}. {IRT}/{PAP}/{DNA} screening was cost-effective in comparison with {IRT}/{DNA} if relatively low value was assumed to be attached to the identification of {CF} carriers. {C}onclusions: {IRT}/{PAP} strategies could be strictly cost-effective, but dropping {DNA} would mean the test could not detect {CF} carriers. {IRT}/{PAP}/{DNA} strategies could be a viable option as they are significantly less costly than {IRT}/{DNA}, but still allow {CF} carrier detection.}, keywords = {{N}ewborn screening ; cystic fibrosis ; {PAP} assay ; cost-effectiveness ; micro-costing ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}edical {S}creening}, volume = {23}, numero = {2}, pages = {62--69}, ISSN = {0969-1413}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1177/0969141315599421}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00014808}, }