@article{PAR00014558, title = {{T}ime calibration with atmospheric muon tracks in the {ANTARES} neutrino telescope}, author = {{A}drian-{M}artinez, {S}. and {A}lbert, {A}. and {A}ndre, {M}. and {A}nton, {G}. and {A}rdid, {M}. and {A}ubert, {J}. {J}. and {B}aret, {B}. and {B}arrios-{M}arti, {J}. and {B}asa, {S}. and {B}ertin, {V}. and {B}iagi, {S}. and {B}ogazzi, {C}. and {B}ormuth, {R}. and {B}ou-{C}abo, {M}. and {B}ouwhuis, {M}. {C}. and {B}ruijn, {R}. and {B}runner, {J}. and {B}usto, {J}. and {C}apone, {A}. and {C}aramete, {L}. and {C}arr, {J}. and {C}hiarusi, {T}. and {C}ircella, {M}. and {C}oniglione, {R}. and {C}ostantini, {H}. and {C}oyle, {P}. and {C}reusot, {A}. and {D}ekeyser, {I}. and {D}eschamps, {A}. and {D}e {B}onis, {G}. and {D}istefano, {C}. and {D}onzaud, {C}. and {D}ornic, {D}. and {D}rouhin, {D}. and {D}umas, {A}. and {E}berl, {T}. and {E}lsasser, {D}. and {E}nzenhofer, {A}. and {F}ehn, {K}. and {F}elis, {I}. and {F}ermani, {P}. and {F}laminio, {V}. and {F}olger, {F}. and {F}usco, {L}. {A}. and {G}alata, {S}. and {G}ay, {P}. and {G}eisselsoder, {S}. and {G}eyer, {K}. and {G}iordano, {V}. and {G}leixner, {A}. and {G}racia-{R}uiz, {R}. and {G}omez-{G}onzalez, {J}. {P}. and {G}raf, {K}. and van {H}aren, {H}. and {H}eijboer, {A}. {J}. and {H}ello, {Y}ann and {H}ernandez-{R}ey, {J}. {J}. and {H}errero, {A}. and {H}ossl, {J}. and {H}ofestadt, {J}. and {H}ugon, {C}. and {J}ames, {C}. {W}. and de {J}ong, {M}. and {K}adler, {M}. and {K}alekin, {O}. and {K}atz, {U}. and {K}iessling, {D}. and {K}ooijman, {P}. and {K}ouchner, {A}. and {K}reykenbohm, {I}. and {K}ulikovskiy, {V}. and {L}ahmann, {R}. and {L}ambard, {G}. and {L}attuada, {D}. and {L}efevre, {D}. and {L}eonora, {E}. and {L}oucatos, {S}. and {M}angano, {S}. and {M}arcelin, {M}. and {M}argiotta, {A}. and {M}arinelli, {A}. and {M}artinez-{M}ora, {J}. {A}. and {M}artini, {S}{\'e}verine and et al.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {ANTARES} experiment consists of an array of photomultipliers distributed along 12 lines and located deep underwater in the {M}editerranean {S}ea. {I}t searches for astrophysical neutrinos collecting the {C}herenkov light induced by the charged particles, mainly muons, produced in neutrino interactions around the detector. {S}ince at energies of similar to 10 {T}e{V} the muon and the incident neutrino are almost collinear, it is possible to use the {ANTARES} detector as a neutrino telescope and identify a source of neutrinos in the sky starting from a precise reconstruction of the muon trajectory. {T}o get this result, the arrival times of the {C}herenkov photons must be accurately measured. {A} to perform time calibrations with the precision required to have optimal performances of the instrument is described. {T}he reconstructed tracks of the atmospheric muons in the {ANTARES} detector are used to determine the relative time offsets between photomultipliers. {C}urrently, this method is used to obtain the time calibration constants for photomultipliers on different lines at a precision level of 0.5 ns. {I}t has also been validated for calibrating photomultipliers on the same line, using a system of {LED}s and laser light devices.}, keywords = {{T}ime calibration ; {N}eutrino {T}elescopes ; {ANTARES} ; {A}tmospheric muon tracks ; {MEDITERRANNEE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}stroparticle {P}hysics}, volume = {78}, numero = {}, pages = {43--51}, ISSN = {0927-6505}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.astropartphys.2016.02.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00014558}, }