@article{PAR00014418, title = {{M}olecular evidence of vector-borne pathogens in dogs and cats and their ectoparasites in {A}lgiers, {A}lgeria}, author = {{B}essas, {A}. and {L}eulmi, {H}. and {B}itam, {I}. and {Z}aidi, {S}. and {A}it-{O}udhia, {K}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier and {P}arola, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n {A}lgeria, only limited information is currently available on the prevalence of emergent canine and feline vector-borne diseases. {T}he aim of the present work was to detect by q{PCR} vector-associated bacteria in stray dogs and cats and their ectoparasites from {A}lgiers. 18/117 (15.38%) dogs and 2/107 (1.87%) cats were positive for at least one vector-borne agent. {C}oxiella burnetii and {B}artonella henselae were identified in 1/117 (0.85%) dog individually. {E}hrlichia canis {DNA} was detected in 17/117 (14.52%) dogs. 1/107 (0.93%) cat was positive to {C}. burnetii and another 1/107 (0.93%) to {B}. henselae. {DNA} of {R}ickettsia massiliae, {R}ickettsia conorii and {E}. canis was detected in {R}hipicephalus sanguineus. {C}at fleas were infected with {R}ickettsia felis, {B}. henselae and {B}artonella clarridgeiae. {B}. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii was identified in {X}enopsylla cheopis collected from dogs. {T}he findings of this study indicate that dogs and cats from {A}lgeria are exposed to multiple tick and flea-borne pathogens.}, keywords = {{D}og ; {C}at ; {T}ick ; {F}lea ; {C}oxiella burnetii ; {E}hrlichia canis ; {B}artonella ; spp. ; {R}ickettsia spp. ; q{PCR} ; {A}lgeria ; {ALGERIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}omparative {I}mmunology {M}icrobiology and {I}nfectious {D}iseases}, volume = {45}, numero = {}, pages = {23--28}, ISSN = {0147-9571}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.cimid.2016.01.002}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00014418}, }