@article{PAR00014188, title = {{E}merging methodologies for pathogen identification in positive blood culture testing}, author = {{D}ubourg, {G}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}loodstream infections ({BSI}s) represent a major cause of death in developed countries and are associated with long-term loss of functions. {B}lood culture remains the gold standard for {BSI} diagnosis, as it is easy to perform and displays a good analytical sensitivity. {H}owever, its major drawback remains the long turnaround time, which can result in inappropriate therapy, fall of survival rate, emergence of antibiotic resistance and increase of medical costs. {O}ver the last 10years, molecular tools have been the alternative to blood cultures, allowing early identification of pathogens involved in sepsis, as well detection of critical antibiotic resistance genes. {B}esides, the advent of {MALDI}-{TOF} revolutionized practice in routine microbiology significantly reduced the time to result. {R}eviewed here are recent improvements in early {BSI} diagnosis and these authors' view for the future is presented, including innovative high-throughput technologies.}, keywords = {{B}lood culture ; bloodstream infections ; {MALDI}-{TOF} {MS} ; multiplex {PCR} ; next-generation sequencing ; {NGS} ; {PCR} {ESI}-{MS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}xpert {R}eview of {M}olecular {D}iagnostics}, volume = {16}, numero = {1}, pages = {97--111}, ISSN = {1473-7159}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1586/14737159.2016.1112274}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00014188}, }