@article{PAR00014181, title = {{A}ctivation of brain steroidogenesis and neurogenesis during the gonadal differentiation in protandrous black porgy, {A}canthopagrus schlegelii}, author = {{L}in, {C}. {J}. and {F}an-{C}hiang, {Y}. {C}. and {D}ufour, {S}ylvie and {C}hang, {C}. {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he early brain development, at the time of gonadal differentiation was investigated using a protandrous teleost, black porgy. {T}his natural model of monosex juvenile fish avoids the potential complexity of sexual dimorphism. {B}rain neurogenesis was evaluated by histological analyses of the diencephalon, at the time of testicular differentiation (in fish between 90 and 150 days after hatching). {I}ncreases in the number of both {N}issl-stained total brain cells, and {P}cna-immunostained proliferative brain cells were observed in specific area of the diencephalon, such as ventromedialis thalami and posterior preoptic area, revealing brain cell proliferation. q{PCR} analyses showed significantly higher expression of the radial glial cell marker blbp and neuron marker bdnf. {S}trong immunohistochemical staining of {B}lbp and extended cellular projections were observed. {A} peak expression of aromatase (cyp19a1b), as well as an increase in estradiol ({E}-2) content were also detected in the early brain. {T}hese data demonstrate that during gonadal differentiation, the early brain exhibits increased {E}-2 synthesis, cell proliferation, and neurogenesis. {T}o investigate the role of {E}-2 in early brain, undifferentiated fish were treated with {E}-2 or aromatase inhibitor ({AI}). {E}-2 treatment upregulated brain cyp19a1b and blbp expression, and enhanced brain cell proliferation. {C}onversely, {AI} reduced brain cell proliferation. {C}astration experiment did not influence the brain gene expression patterns and the brain cell number. {O}ur data clearly support {E}-2 biosynthesis in the early brain, and that brain {E}-2 induces neurogenesis. {T}hese peak activity patterns in the early brain occur at the time of gonad differentiation but are independent of the gonads.}, keywords = {brain development ; neurogenenesis ; neurosteroidogenesis ; aromatase ; estradiol}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}evelopmental {N}eurobiology}, volume = {76}, numero = {2}, pages = {121--136}, ISSN = {1932-8451}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1002/dneu.22303}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00014181}, }