@article{PAR00014178, title = {{E}ffets de la r{\'e}currence des incendies sur le comportement du feu dans des suberaies ({Q}uercus suber {L}.) et maquis m{\'e}diterran{\'e}ens sur les cinquante derni{\`e}res ann{\'e}es}, author = {{S}chaffhauser, {A}. and {P}imont, {F}. and {C}urt, {T}. and {C}assagne, {N}. and {D}upuy, {J}. {L}. and {T}atoni, {T}hierry}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}ast fire recurrence impacts the vegetation structure, and it is consequently hypothesized to alter its future fire behaviour. {W}e examined the fire behaviour in shrubland-forest mosaics of southeastern {F}rance, which were organized along a range of fire frequency (0 to 3-4 fires along the past 50 years) and had different time intervals between fires. {T}he mosaic was dominated by {Q}uercus suber {L}. and {E}rica-{C}istus shrubland communities. {W}e described the vegetation structure through measurements of tree height, base of tree crown or shrub layer, mean diameter, cover, plant water content and bulk density. {W}e used the physical model {F}iretec to simulate the fire behaviour. {F}ire intensity, fire spread, plant water content and biomass loss varied significantly according to fire recurrence and vegetation structure, mainly linked to the time since the last fire, then the number of fires. {T}hese results confirm that past fire recurrence affects future fire behaviour, with multilayered vegetation (particularly high shrublands) producing more intense fires, contrary to submature {Q}uercus woodlands that have not burnt since 1959 and that are unlikely to reburn. {F}urther simulations, with more vegetation scenes according to shrub and canopy covers, will complete this study in order to discuss the fire propagation risk in heterogeneous vegetation, particularly in the {M}editerranean area, with a view to a local management of these ecosystems.}, keywords = {{F}ire behaviour ; {P}hysically-based model {F}iretec ; {C}ork-oak woodland ({Q}uercus suber {L}.) ; {S}hrub land ({E}rica arborea, {C}istus) ; {V}egetation structure ; {F}ire recurrence ; {FRANCE} ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}omptes {R}endus {B}iologies}, volume = {338}, numero = {12}, pages = {812--824}, ISSN = {1631-0691}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.crvi.2015.10.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00014178}, }