@article{PAR00013856, title = {{C}lostridium butyricumstrains and dysbiosis linked to necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm neonates}, author = {{C}assir, {N}. and {B}enamar, {S}. and {K}halil, {J}. {B}. and {C}roce, {O}. and {S}t-{F}aust, {M}. and {J}acquot, {A}. and {M}illion, {M}. and {A}zza, {S}. and {A}rmstrong, {N}. and {H}enry, {M}. and {J}ardot, {P}. and {R}obert, {C}. and {G}ire, {C}. and {L}agier, {J}. {C}. and {C}habriere, {E}. and {G}higo, {E}. and {M}archandin, {H}. and {S}artor, {C}. and {B}outte, {P}. and {C}ambonie, {G}. and {S}imeoni, {U}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier and {L}a {S}cola, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground. {N}ecrotizing enterocolitis ({NEC}) is the most common and serious gastrointestinal disorder among preterm neonates. {W}e aimed to assess a specific gut microbiota profile associated with {NEC}. {M}ethods. {S}tool samples and clinical data were collected from 4 geographically independent neonatal intensive care units, over a 48-month period. {T}hirty stool samples from preterm neonates with {NEC} (n = 15) and controls (n = 15) were analyzed by 16{S} ribosomal {RNA} pyrosequencing and culture-based methods. {T}he results led us to develop a specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction (q{PCR}) assay for {C}lostridium butyricum, and we tested stool samples from preterm neonates with {NEC} (n = 93) and controls (n = 270). {W}e sequenced the whole genome of 16 {C}. butyricum strains, analyzed their phylogenetic relatedness, tested their culture supernatants for cytotoxic activity, and searched for secreted toxins. {R}esults. {C}lostridium butyricum was specifically associated with {NEC} using molecular and culture-based methods (15/15 vs 2/15; {P}<.0001) or q{PCR} (odds ratio, 45.4 [95% confidence interval, 26.2-78.6]; {P}<.0001). {C}ulture supernatants of {C}. butyricum strains from preterm neonates with {NEC} (n = 14) exhibited significant cytotoxic activity ({P}=.008), and we identified in all a homologue of the beta-hemolysin toxin gene shared by {B}rachyspira hyodysenteriae, the etiologic agent of swine dysentery. {T}he corresponding protein was secreted by a {NEC}-associated {C}. butyricum strain. {C}onclusions. {NEC} was associated with {C}. butyricum strains and dysbiosis with an oxidized, acid, and poorly diversified gut microbiota. {O}ur findings highlight the plausible toxigenic mechanism involved in the pathogenesis of {NEC}.}, keywords = {necrotizing enterocolitis ; {C}lostridium butyricum ; gut microbiota ; dysbiosis ; toxins}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}linical {I}nfectious {D}iseases}, volume = {61}, numero = {7}, pages = {1107--1115}, ISSN = {1058-4838}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1093/cid/civ468}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00013856}, }