@article{PAR00013854, title = {{D}rivers of environmental institutional dynamics in decentralized {A}frican countries}, author = {{H}assenforder, {E}. and {B}arreteau, {O}livier and {D}aniell, {K}. {A}. and {P}ittock, {J}. and {F}errand, {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper builds on the assumption that an effective approach to support the sustainability of natural resource management initiatives is institutional "bricolage." {W}e argue that participatory planning processes can foster institutional bricolage by encouraging stakeholders to make their own arrangements based on the hybridization of old and new institutions. {T}his papers aims at identifying how participatory process facilitators can encourage institutional bricolage. {S}pecifically the paper investigates the specific contextual and procedural drivers of institutional dynamics in two case studies: the {R}wenzori region in {U}ganda and the {F}ogera woreda in {E}thiopia. {I}n both cases, participatory planning processes were implemented. {T}his research has three innovative aspects. {F}irst, it establishes a clear distinction between six terms which are useful for identifying, describing, and analyzing institutional dynamics: formal and informal; institutions and organizations; and emergence and change. {S}econdly, it compares the contrasting institutional dynamics in the two case studies. {T}hirdly, process-tracing is used to identify contextual and procedural drivers to institutional dynamics. {W}e assume that procedural drivers can be used as "levers" by facilitators to trigger institutional bricolage. {W}e found that facilitators need to pay particular attention to the institutional context in which the participatory planning process takes place, and especially at existing institutional gaps or failures. {W}e identified three clusters of procedural levers: the selection and engagement of participants; the legitimacy, knowledge, and ideas of facilitators; and the design of the process, including the scale at which it is developed, the participatory tools used and the management of the diversity of frames.}, keywords = {{B}ricolage ; {I}nformal institutions ; {I}nstitutional change ; {O}rganizations ; {P}articipatory planning process ; {P}rocess-tracing ; {AFRIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {M}anagement}, volume = {56}, numero = {6}, pages = {1428--1447}, ISSN = {0364-152{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s00267-015-0581-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00013854}, }