@article{PAR00013852, title = {{M}elting of {MORB} at core-mantle boundary}, author = {{P}radhan, {G}. {K}. and {F}iquet, {G}uillaume and {S}iebert, {J}. and {A}uzende, {A}. {L}. and {M}orard, {G}. and {A}ntonangeli, {D}. and {G}arbarino, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e investigated the melting properties of natural mid-ocean ridge basalt ({MORB}) up to core-mantle boundary ({CMB}) pressures using laser-heated diamond anvil cell. {T}extural and chemical characterizations of quenched samples were performed by analytical transmission electron microscopy. {W}e used in situ {X}-ray diffraction primarily for phase identification whereas our melting criterion based on laser power versus temperature plateau combined with textural analysis of recovered solidus and subsolidus samples is accurate and unambiguous. {A}t {CMB} pressure (135 {GP}a), the {MORB} solidus temperature is 3970 (+/- 150) {K}. {Q}uenched melt textures observed in recovered samples indicate that {C}a{S}i{O}3 perovskite ({C}a{P}v) is the liquidus phase in the entire pressure range up to {CMB}. {T}he partial melt composition derived from the central melt pool is enriched in {F}e{O}, which suggests that such melt pockets may be gravitationally stable at the core mantle boundary.}, keywords = {core-mantle boundary ; {ULVZ} ; partial melting ; experimental mineralogy ; high-pressure melting ; laser heating ; {PACIFIQUE} {EST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}arth and {P}lanetary {S}cience {L}etters}, volume = {431}, numero = {}, pages = {247--255}, ISSN = {0012-821{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.epsl.2015.09.034}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00013852}, }