@article{PAR00013842, title = {{L}ower plate deformation at the {C}hile {T}riple {J}unction from the paleomagnetic record (45 degrees 30 '{S}-46 degrees {S})}, author = {{L}agabrielle, {Y}. and {B}ourgois, {J}. and {D}yment, {J}. and {P}elletier, {B}ernard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}uring the {C}hile {T}riple {J}unction ({CTJ}) cruise, geophysical surveys were conducted between 45 degrees {S} and 48 degrees {S}, in the region of the {C}hile {T}riple {J}unction ({CTJ}), where the {N}azca and {A}ntarctica {P}lates are subducting beneath the {S}outh {A}merican {P}late. {N}ear the {CTJ}, the {S}outh {C}hile {R}ise ({SCR}), which separates the {N}azca and {A}ntarctica lower plates, consists of three spreading segments trending similar to {N}160 degrees, separated by a series of parallel fracture zones. {T}he active spreading centers of the three segments consist of grabens with various widths and depths, bounded by steep fault scarps. {W}e provide robust data showing that the {SCR} recorded remote and long-term effects of ridge subduction far from the subduction front. {M}agnetic profiles, multibeam bathymetric, and seismic data were acquired at intervals of 13 km along a {N}80 degrees {E} direction across the {SCR} during the {CTJ} cruise of {R}/{V} {L}'{A}talante. {D}eformation of the oceanic lithosphere includes (1) a segmentation of the spreading axes along strike, (2) some ridge jumps, and (3) local constriction and changes in trend of the fracture zone valleys. {O}ff-axis volcanism is observed in places that may suggest a link with an abnormal stress field induced by ridge subduction. {T}he tectonic and volcanic anomalies, which occurred in response to the subduction of the {SCR}1 axis, may be correlated with geochemical anomalies and slab fragmentation recognized by previous works.}, keywords = {{CHILI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ectonics}, volume = {34}, numero = {8}, pages = {1646--1660}, ISSN = {0278-7407}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1002/2014tc003773}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00013842}, }