@article{PAR00013732, title = {{M}antle refertilization and magmatism in old orogenic regions : the role of late-orogenic pyroxenites}, author = {{F}rance, {L}. and {C}hazot, {G}. and {K}ornprobst, {J}. and {D}allai, {L}. and {V}annucci, {R}. and {G}r{\'e}goire, {M}ichel and {B}ertrand, {H}. and {B}oivin, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}yroxenites and garnet pyroxenites are mantle heterogeneities characterized by a lower solidus temperature than the enclosing peridotites; it follows that they are preferentially involved during magma genesis. {C}onstraining their origin, composition, and the interactions they underwent during their subsequent evolution is therefore essential to discuss the sources of magmatism in a given area. {P}yroxenites could represent either recycling of crustal rocks in mantle domains or mantle originated rocks (formed either by olivine consuming melt-rock reactions or by crystal fractionation). {P}etrological and geochemical (major and trace elements, {S}r-{N}d and 0 isotopes) features of xenoliths from various occurrences ({F}rench {M}assif-{C}entral, {J}ordan, {M}orocco and {C}ameroon) show that these samples represent cumulates crystallized during melt percolation at mantle conditions. {T}hey formed in mantle domains at pressures of 1-2 {GP}a during post-collisional magmatism (possibly {H}ercynian for the {F}rench {M}assif-{C}entral, and {P}anafrican for {M}orocco, {J}ordan and {C}ameroon). {T}he thermal re-equilibration of lithospheric domains, typical of the late orogenic exhumation stages, is also recorded by the samples. {M}ost of the samples display a metasomatic overprint that may be either inherited or likely linked to the recent volcanic activity that occurred in the investigated regions. {T}he crystallization of pyroxenites during late orogenic events has implications for the subsequent evolution of the mantle domains. {T}he presence of large amounts of mantle pyroxenites in old orogenic regions indeed imparts peculiar physical and chemical characteristics to these domains. {A}mong others, the global solidus temperature of the whole lithospheric domain will be lowered; in turn, this implies that old orogenic regions are refertilized zones where magmatic activity would be enhanced.}, keywords = {{M}antle cumulate ; {M}antle xenolith ; {M}orocco ; {J}ordan ; {C}ameroon ; {F}rench {M}assif-{C}entral ; {MAROC} ; {JORDANIE} ; {CAMEROUN} ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{L}ithos}, volume = {232}, numero = {}, pages = {49--75}, ISSN = {0024-4937}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.lithos.2015.05.017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00013732}, }