@article{PAR00013489, title = {{E}valuation of four commercial multiplex molecular tests for the diagnosis of {A}cute {R}espiratory {I}nfections}, author = {{S}alez, {N}. and {V}abret, {A}. and {L}eruez-{V}ille, {M}. and {A}ndreoletti, {L}. and {C}arrat, {F}. and {R}enois, {F}. and de {L}amballerie, {X}avier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}cute {R}espiratory {I}nfections ({ARI}s) are responsible for considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide. {D}ocumentation of respiratory specimens can help for an appropriate clinical management with a significant effect on the disease progress in patient, the antimicrobial therapy used and the risk of secondary spread of infection. {H}ere, we compared the performances of four commercial multiplex kits used in {F}rench {U}niversity {H}ospital diagnostic microbiology laboratories for the detection of {ARI} pathogens (i.e., the x{TAG} {R}espiratory {V}iral {P}anel {F}ast, {R}espi{F}inder {SMART} 22, {CLART} {P}neumo{V}ir and {F}ast {T}rack {D}iagnostics {R}espiratory {P}athogen 33 kits). {W}e used a standardised nucleic acids extraction protocol and a comprehensive comparative approach that mixed reference to well established real-time {PCR} detection techniques and analysis of convergent positive results. {W}e tested 166 respiratory clinical samples and identified a global high degree of correlation for at least three of the techniques (x{TAG}, {R}espi{F}inder and {FTD}33). {F}or these techniques, the highest {Y}ouden's index ({YI}), positive predictive ({PPV}) and specificity ({S}p) values were observed for {C}ore tests (e.g., influenza {A} [{YI}:0.86-1.00; {PPV}:78.95-100.00; {S}p:97.32-100.00] & {B} [{YI}:0.44-1.00; {PPV}:100.00; {S}p:100.00], h{RSV} [{YI}:0.50-0.99; {PPV}:85.71-100.00; {S}p:99.38-100.00], h{MPV} [{YI}:0.71-1.00; {PPV}:83.33-100.00; {S}p:99.37-100.00], {EV}/h{RV} [{YI}:0.62-0.82; {PPV}:93.33-100.00; {S}p:94.48-100.00], {A}d{V} [{YI}:1.00; {PPV}:100.00; {S}p:100.00] and h{B}o{V} [{YI}:0.20-0.80; {PPV}:57.14-100.00; {S}p:98.14-100.00]). {T}he present study completed an overview of the multiplex techniques available for the diagnosis of acute respiratory infections.}, keywords = {{FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {10}, numero = {6}, pages = {e0130378}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0130378}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00013489}, }