@article{PAR00013069, title = {{O}ccurrence, fate, behavior and ecotoxicological state of phthalates in different environmental matrices}, author = {{N}et, {S}. and {S}emp{\'e}r{\'e}, {R}ichard and {D}elmont, {A}. and {P}aluselli, {A}. and {O}uddane, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ecause of their large and widespread application, phthalates or phthalic acid esters ({PAE}s) are ubiquitous in all the environmental compartements. {T}hey have been {W}idely detected throughout the worldwide environment. {I}ndoor air where people {S}pend 65-90% of their time is also highly contaminated by various {PAE}s released from plastics, consumer products as well as ambient suspended particulate matter. {B}ecause of their widespread application, {PAE}s are the most coramon chemicals that humans are in contact with daily. {B}ased on various exposure mechanisms, including the ingestion of food, drinking water, dust/soil, ait inhalation and dermal exposure the daily intake of {PAE}s may reach values as high as 70 pg/kg/day. {PAE}s are involved in endocrine disrupting effects, namely, upon reproductive physiology in different species of fish and mammals. {T}hey also present a variety of additional toxic effects for many other species including terrestrial and aquatic fauna and flora. {T}herefore, their presence in the environment has attracted considerable attention due to their potential impacts on ecosystem functioning and on public health. {T}his paper is a synthesis of the extensive literature data on behavior, transport, fate and ecotaxicological state of {PAE}s in environmental matrices: air, water, sediment, sludge, {W}astewater, soil, and biota. {F}irst, the origins and physicochemical properties of {PAE}s that control the behavior, transport and fate in the environment are reviewed. {S}econd, the compilation of data on transport and fate, adverse environmental and human health effects, legislation, restrictions, and ecotoxicological state of the environment based or {PAE}s is presented.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {S}cience and {T}echnology}, volume = {49}, numero = {7}, pages = {4019--4035}, ISSN = {0013-936{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1021/es505233b}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00013069}, }