@article{PAR00013059, title = {{R}efinement of {SMOS} multiangular brightness temperature toward soil moisture retrieval and its analysis over reference targets}, author = {{Z}hao, {T}. {J}. and {S}hi, {J}. {C}. and {B}indlish, {R}. and {J}ackson, {T}. {J}. and {K}err, {Y}ann and {C}osh, {M}. {H}. and {C}ui, {Q}. and {L}i, {Y}. {Q}. and {X}iong, {C}. and {C}he, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}oil moisture ocean salinity ({SMOS}) mission has been providing {L}-band multiangular brightness temperature observations at a global scale since its launch in {N}ovember 2009 and has performed well in the retrieval of soil moisture. {T}he multiple incidence angle observations also allow for the retrieval of additional parameters beyond soil moisture, but these are not obtained at fixed values and the resolution and accuracy change with the grid locations over {SMOS} snapshot images. {R}adio-frequency interference ({RFI}) issues and aliasing at lower look angles increase the uncertainty of observations and thereby affect the soil moisture retrieval that utilizes observations at specific angles. {I}n this study, we proposed a two-step regression approach that uses a mixed objective function based on {SMOS} {L}1c data products to refine characteristics of multiangular observations. {T}he approach was found to be robust by validation using simulations from a radiative transfer model, and valuable in improving soil moisture estimates from {SMOS}. {I}n addition, refined brightness temperatures were analyzed over three external targets: {A}ntarctic ice sheet, {A}mazon rainforest, and {S}ahara desert, by comparing with {W}ind{S}at observations. {T}hese results provide insights for selecting and utilizing external targets as part of the upcoming soil moisture active passive ({SMAP}) mission.}, keywords = {{B}rightness temperature ; intercomparison ; soil moisture ; soil moisture ; ocean salinity ({SMOS}) ; {W}ind{S}at ; {ANTARCTIQUE} ; {AMAZONIE} ; {SAHARA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}eee {J}ournal of {S}elected {T}opics in {A}pplied {E}arth {O}bservations and {R}emote {S}ensing}, volume = {8}, numero = {2}, pages = {589--603}, ISSN = {1939-1404}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1109/jstars.2014.2336664}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00013059}, }