@article{PAR00012820, title = {{E}vidence that clade {A} and clade {B} head lice live in sympatry and recombine in {A}lgeria}, author = {{B}outellis, {A}. and {B}itam, {I}. and {F}ekir, {K}. and {M}ana, {N}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}ediculus humanus{L}. ({P}socodea: {P}ediculidae) can be characterized into three deeply divergent lineages (clades) based on mitochondrial {DNA}. {C}lade {A} consists of both head lice and clothing lice and is distributed worldwide. {C}lade {B} consists of head lice only and is mainly found in {N}orth and {C}entral {A}merica, and in western {E}urope and {A}ustralia. {C}lade {C}, which consists only of head lice, is found in {E}thiopia, {N}epal and {S}enegal. {T}wenty-six head lice collected from pupils at different elementary schools in two localities in {A}lgiers ({A}lgeria) were analysed using molecular methods for genotyping lice (cytochrome b and the multi-spacer typing ({MST}) method. {F}or the first time, we found clade {B} head lice in {A}frica living in sympatry with clade {A} head lice. {T}he phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated sequences of these populations of head lice showed that clade {A} and clade {B} head lice had recombined, suggesting that interbreeding occurs when lice live in sympatry.}, keywords = {{P}ediculus humanus capitis ; clade {A} ; clade {B} ; genotype ; recombination ; sympatry ; {ALGERIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}edical and {V}eterinary {E}ntomology}, volume = {29}, numero = {1}, pages = {94--98}, ISSN = {0269-283{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1111/mve.12058}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00012820}, }