@article{PAR00012722, title = {{A} sero-epidemiological study of arboviral fevers in {D}jibouti, {H}orn of {A}frica}, author = {{A}ndayi, {F}. and {C}harrel, {R}. {N}. and {K}ieffer, {A}. and {R}ichet, {H}. and {P}astorino, {B}. and {L}eparc-{G}offart, {I}. and {A}hmed, {A}. {A}. and {C}arrat, {F}. and {F}lahault, {A}. and de {L}amballerie, {X}avier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}rboviral infections have repeatedly been reported in the republic of {D}jibouti, consistent with the fact that essential vectors for arboviral diseases are endemic in the region. {H}owever, there is a limited recent information regarding arbovirus circulation, and the associated risk predictors to human exposure are largely unknown. {W}e performed, from {N}ovember 2010 to {F}ebruary 2011 in the {D}jibouti city general population, a cross-sectional {ELISA} and sero-neutralisation-based seroepidemiological analysis nested in a household cohort, which investigated the arboviral infection prevalence and risk factors, stratified by their vectors of transmission. {A}ntibodies to dengue virus (21.8%) were the most frequent. {D}eterminants of infection identified by multivariate analysis pointed to sociological and environmental exposure to the bite of {A}edes mosquitoes. {T}he population was broadly naive against {C}hikungunya (2.6%) with risk factors mostly shared with dengue. {T}he detection of limited virus circulation was followed by a significant {C}hikungunya outbreak a few months after our study. {A}ntibodies to {W}est {N}ile virus were infrequent (0.6%), but the distribution of cases faithfully followed previous mapping of infected {C}ulex mosquitoes. {T}he seroprevalence of {R}ift valley fever virus was 2.2%, and non-arboviral transmission was suggested. {F}inally, the study indicated the circulation of {T}oscana-related viruses (3.7%), and a limited number of cases suggested infection by tick-borne encephalitis or {A}lkhumra related viruses, which deserve further investigations to identify the viruses and vectors implicated. {O}verall, most of the arboviral cases' predictors were statistically best described by the individuals' housing space and neighborhood environmental characteristics, which correlated with the ecological actors of their respective transmission vectors' survival in the local niche. {T}his study has demonstrated autochthonous arboviral circulations in the republic of {D}jibouti, and provides an epidemiological inventory, with useful findings for risk mapping and future prevention and control programs.}, keywords = {{DJIBOUTI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {N}eglected {T}ropical {D}iseases}, volume = {8}, numero = {12}, pages = {e3299 [13 ]}, ISSN = {1935-2735}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pntd.0003299}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00012722}, }