@article{PAR00012706, title = {{I}nvestigation of minor species {C}andida africana, {C}andida stellatoidea and {C}andida dubliniensis in the {C}andida albicans complex among {Y}aounde ({C}ameroon) {HIV}-infected patients}, author = {{N}gouana, {T}. {K}. and {K}rasteva, {D}. and {D}rakulovski, {P}. and {T}oghueo, {R}. {K}. and {K}ouanfack, {C}. and {A}mbe, {A}. and {R}eynes, {J}. and {D}elaporte, {E}ric and {B}oyom, {F}. {F}. and {M}allie, {M}. and {B}ertout, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}inor species of the {C}andida albicans complex may cause overestimation of the epidemiology of {C}. albicans, and misidentifications could mask their implication in human pathology. {A}uthors determined the occurrence of minor species of the {C}. albicans complex ({C}. africana, {C}. dubliniensis and {C}. stellatoidea) among {Y}aounde {HIV}-infected patients, {C}ameroon. {S}tool, vaginal discharge, urine and oropharyngeal samples were analysed by mycological diagnosis. {I}solates were identified by conventional methods and mass spectrometry ({MS}; carried out by the matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight {MS} protocol). {C}andida albicans isolates were thereafter submitted to the {PCR} amplification of the {H}wp1 gene. {T}he susceptibility of isolates to antifungal drugs was tested using the {C}linical and {L}aboratory {S}tandards {I}nstitute {M}27-{A}3 protocol. {F}rom 115 {C}. albicans obtained isolates, neither {C}. dubliniensis nor {C}. stellatoidea was observed; two strains of {C}. africana (422{PV} and 448{PV}) were identified by {PCR} electrophoretic profiles at 700bp. {T}hese two {C}. africana strains were vaginal isolates. {T}he isolate 448{PV} was resistant to ketoconazole at the minimal inhibitory concentration of 2g ml(-1), and showed reduced susceptibility to amphotericin {B} at 1g ml(-1). {T}his first report on {C}. africana occurrence in {C}ameroon brings clues for the understanding of the global epidemiology of this yeast as well as that of minor species of the {C}. albicans complex.}, keywords = {{C}andida africana ; {C}ameroon ; {HIV} infection ; antifungal ; {H}wp1 gene ; matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation time of flight ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}ycoses}, volume = {58}, numero = {1}, pages = {33--39}, ISSN = {0933-7407}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1111/myc.12266}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00012706}, }