@article{PAR00012580, title = {{R}isk factors of pandemic influenza {A}/{H}1{N}1 in a prospective household cohort in the general population : results from the {C}o{P}an{F}lu-{F}rance cohort}, author = {{D}elabre, {R}. {M}. and {L}apidus, {N}. and {S}alez, {N}. and {M}ansiaux, {Y}. and de {L}amballerie, {X}avier and {C}arrat, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground{T}he {C}o{P}an{F}lu-{F}rance household cohort was set up in 2009 to identify risk factors of infection by the pandemic {A}/{H}1{N}1 ({H}1{N}1pdm09) virus in the general population. {O}bjectives{T}o investigate the determinants of infection during the 2010-2011 season, the first complete influenza season of study follow-up for this cohort. {P}atients/{M}ethods{P}re- and post-epidemic blood samples were collected for all subjects, and nasal swabs were obtained in all subjects from households where an influenza-like illness was reported. {C}ases were defined as either a fourfold increase in the serological titer or a laboratory-confirmed {H}1{N}1pdm09 on a nasal swab, with either {RT}-{PCR} or multiplex {PCR}. {R}isk factors for {H}1{N}1pdm09 infections were explored, without any pre-specified hypothesis, among 167 individual, collective and environmental covariates via generalized estimating equations modeling. {W}e adopted a multimodel selection procedure to control for model selection uncertainty. {R}esults{T}his analysis is based on a sample size of 1121 subjects. {T}he final multivariable model identified one risk factor (history of asthma, {OR}=217; 95% {CI}: 102-462) and three protective factors: pre-epidemic serological titer ({OR}=051 per doubling of the titer; 95% {CI}: 039-067), green tea consumption a minimum of two times a week ({OR}=039; 95% {CI}: 018-084), and proportion of subjects in the household always covering their mouth while coughing/sneezing ({OR}=093 per 10% increase; 95% {CI}: 086-100). {C}onclusion{T}his exploratory study provides further support of previously reported risk factors and highlights the importance of collective protective behaviors in the household. {F}urther analyses will be conducted to explore these findings.}, keywords = {{C}ohort studies ; {F}rance ; influenza {A} virus ; {H}1{N}1 subtype ; risk factor ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nfluenza and {O}ther {R}espiratory {V}iruses}, volume = {9}, numero = {1}, pages = {43--50}, ISSN = {1750-2640}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1111/irv.12294}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00012580}, }