@article{PAR00012571, title = {{I}nternal and international vertical specialization of {B}razilian states - {A}n {I}nput-{O}utput analysis}, author = {{Y}ucer, {A}. and {G}uilhoto, {J}. and {S}iro{\¨e}n, {J}ean-{M}arc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{WTO}, {OECD} with many others, suggest the trade in value-added would be a "better" measure than gross value to understand, the impact of trade on employment, growth, production etc. {W}e use in this work an {I}nput-{O}utput table for 2008, to calculate the value-added exported by {B}razilian states. {W}e distinguish the value-added exported directly by the state itself or indirectly via other states. {T}hen, we define the extent of vertical specialization among {B}razilian states by using value-added indirectly exported. {W}e calculate equally the import content in states' exports. {I}f the share of import content in {B}razilian exports is low, we show evidence that inter-state,trade is quite high across some {B}razilian states. {I}nter-state vertical specialization then operates at upstream stages of the value chain before the good be exported to foreign countries. {H}owever the value-added of a state; indirectly exported by another state is quite balanced by the value-added of its own exports which is imported from other states, then the export shares of each state in total {B}razilian exports in value-added-terms or in gross terms are close.}, keywords = {{V}ertical {S}pecialization ; {G}lobal supply-chain ; {I}nput-{O}utput {A}nalysis ; {B}razil intranational trade ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evue d'{E}conomie {P}olitique}, volume = {124}, numero = {4}, pages = {599--612}, ISSN = {0373-2630}, year = {2014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00012571}, }