@article{PAR00012377, title = {{K}isspeptin/kisspeptin receptors}, author = {{P}asquier, {J}. and {K}amech, {N}. and {L}afont, {A}. {G}. and {V}audry, {H}. and {R}ousseau, {K}. and {D}ufour, {S}ylvie}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ollowing the discovery of kisspeptin ({K}iss) and its receptor ({GPR}54 or {K}iss{R}) in mammals, phylogenetic studies revealed up to three {K}iss and four {K}iss{R} paralogous genes in other vertebrates. {T}he multiplicity of {K}iss and {K}iss{R} types in vertebrates probably originated from the two rounds of whole-genome duplication (1{R} and 2{R}) that occurred in early vertebrates. {T}his review examines compelling recent advances on molecular diversity and phylogenetic evolution of vertebrate {K}iss and {K}iss{R}. {I}t also addresses, from an evolutionary point of view, the issues of the structure-activity relationships and interaction of {K}iss with {K}iss{R} and of their signaling pathways. {I}ndependent gene losses, during vertebrate evolution, have shaped the repertoire of {K}iss and {K}iss{R} in the extant vertebrate species. {I}n particular, there is no conserved combination of a given {K}iss type with a {K}iss{R} type, across vertebrate evolution. {T}he striking conservation of the biologically active ten-amino-acid {C}-terminal sequence of all vertebrate kisspeptins, probably allowed this evolutionary flexibility of {K}iss/{K}iss{R} pairs. {K}iss{R} mutations, responsible for hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in humans, mostly occurred at highly conserved amino acid positions among vertebrate {K}iss{R}. {T}his further highlights the key role of these amino acids in {K}iss{R} function. {I}n contrast, less conserved {K}iss{R} regions, notably in the intracellular {C}-terminal domain, may account for differential intracellular signaling pathways between vertebrate {K}iss{R}. {C}ross talk between evolutionary and biomedical studies should contribute to further understanding of the {K}iss/{K}iss{R} structure-activity relationships and biological functions.}, keywords = {kisspeptin ; receptor ; evolution ; vertebrates}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}olecular {E}ndocrinology}, volume = {52}, numero = {3}, pages = {{T}101--{T}117}, ISSN = {0952-5041}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1530/jme-13-0224}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00012377}, }