@article{PAR00012299, title = {{S}econd-generation sequencing of entire mitochondrial coding-regions (similar to 15.4 kb) holds promise for study of the phylogeny and taxonomy of human body lice and head lice}, author = {{X}iong, {H}. and {C}ampelo, {D}. and {P}ollack, {R}. {J}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier and {S}hao, {R}. and {A}lem, {M}. and {A}li, {J}. and {B}ilcha, {K}. and {B}arker, {S}. {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {I}llumina {H}iseq platform was used to sequence the entire mitochondrial coding-regions of 20 body lice, {P}ediculus humanus {L}innaeus, and head lice, {P}. capitis {D}e {G}eer ({P}hthiraptera: {P}ediculidae), from eight towns and cities in five countries: {E}thiopia, {F}rance, {C}hina, {A}ustralia and the {U}. {S}. {A}. {T}hese data (similar to 310 kb) were used to see how much more informative entire mitochondrial coding-region sequences were than partial mitochondrial coding-region sequences, and thus to guide the design of future studies of the phylogeny, origin, evolution and taxonomy of body lice and head lice. {P}hylogenies were compared from entire coding-region sequences (similar to 15.4 kb), entire cox1 (similar to 1.5 kb), partial cox1 (similar to 700 bp) and partial cytb (similar to 600 bp) sequences. {O}n the one hand, phylogenies from entire mitochondrial coding-region sequences (similar to 15.4 kb) were much more informative than phylogenies from entire cox1 sequences (similar to 1.5 kb) and partial gene sequences (similar to 600 to similar to 700 bp). {F}or example, 19 branches had > 95% bootstrap support in our maximum likelihood tree from the entire mitochondrial coding-regions (similar to 15.4 kb) whereas the tree from 700 bp cox1 had only two branches with bootstrap support > 95%. {Y}et, by contrast, partial cytb (similar to 600 bp) and partial cox1 (similar to 486 bp) sequences were sufficient to genotype lice to {C}lade {A}, {B} or {C}. {T}he sequences of the mitochondrial genomes of the {P}. humanus, {P}. capitis and {P}. schaeffi {F}ahrenholz studied are in {NCBI} {G}en{B}ank under the accession numbers {KC}660761-800, {KC}685631-6330, {KC}241882-97, {EU}219988-95, {HM}241895-8 and {JX}080388-407.}, keywords = {{P}ediculus capitis ; {P}ediculus humanus ; evolutionary genetics ; mitochondrial coding-region}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}edical and {V}eterinary {E}ntomology}, volume = {28}, numero = {1}, pages = {40--50}, ISSN = {0269-283{X}}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1111/mve.12076}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00012299}, }