@article{PAR00012152, title = {{F}etuin is the key for nanon self-propagation}, author = {{C}habriere, {E}. and {G}onzalez, {D}. and {A}zza, {S}. and {D}urand, {P}. and {S}hiekh, {F}. {A}. and {M}oal, {V}. and {B}audoin, {J}. {P}. and {P}agnier, {I}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {"{N}anobacteria", also known as nanons or calciprotein particles ({CPP}), are nano-sized protein mineral complexes which have been isolated from numerous biological sources. {N}anons possess self-replication properties and contain only serum proteins (e.g. {F}etuin-{A}, {A}lbumin). {H}erein, we develop a simplified in vitro model of nanons propagation composed of only fetuin-{A} as a protein. {U}sing this model, we demonstrate that fetuin from nanons possesses a different, non-native conformation. {M}oreover, we show that nanons induce soluble fetuin-{A} precipitation which could serve as a template for calcification. {T}his phenomenon explains the observed self-propagating properties that mimic infectious behavior. {W}e also demonstrate that renal calculi are capable of inducing a conformational change in fetuin-{A}, suggesting that the propagation phenomenon of nanons may occur in vivo.}, keywords = {{N}anons ; {N}anobacteria ; {CPP} ; {S}elf-propagating proteins ; {F}etuin {A} ; {C}alcification}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}icrobial {P}athogenesis}, volume = {73}, numero = {}, pages = {25--30}, ISSN = {0882-4010}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.micpath.2014.05.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00012152}, }