@article{PAR00012141, title = {{W}idespread circulation of a new echovirus 30 variant causing aseptic meningitis and non-specific viral illness, {S}outh-{E}ast {F}rance, 2013}, author = {{N}ougairede, {A}. and {B}essaud, {M}. and {T}hiberville, {S}. {D}. and {P}iorkowski, {G}. and {N}inove, {L}. and {Z}andotti, {C}. and {C}harrel, {R}. {N}. and {G}uilhem, {N}. and de {L}amballerie, {X}avier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {H}uman enteroviruses ({HEV}s) are major cause of aseptic meningitis. {A} new outbreak of {E}-30 occurred between {A}pril and {S}eptember 2013 in {M}arseille, {S}outh-{E}ast {F}rance. {O}bjectives: {B}etter understand what happen locally when an {E}-30 outbreak occurs. {S}tudy design: {L}aboratory data (identification and characterization of circulating {E}-30 strains by partial/complete genome sequencing) were analyzed together with clinical data from emergency ward of the public hospital of {M}arseille. {R}esults: {C}ompared with data from previous years, we observed an excess of {HEV} infections between {A}pril and {S}eptember 2013. {A} total of 202 patients were tested positive of which 79% (160/202) had a cerebrospinal fluid tested positive. {B}ecause we performed genotyping using clinical specimens, we obtained representative molecular data related to patients tested positive and found a majority (105/119) of echoviruses 30 ({E}-30). {P}hylogenetic analysis revealed that {E}-30 circulating in {E}urope since 2000 belong to a unique lineage and showed at the intra-genogroup level the temporal circulation of {E}-30. {M}olecular data also indicated that majority of {E}-30 detected (92%) were almost identical. {C}ompared with data from previous years, this outbreak was finally associated with an excess of patients admitted to an emergency ward for meningitis but also for non-specific viral illness. {C}onclusions: {O}ur data provide new insights into microevolution of {E}-30: almost all {E}-30 emerged from local circulation of one parental virus. {M}oreover, our findings showed that {HEV} outbreaks cause an excess of emergency ward consultations but probably also an excess of consultations to general practitioners who receive majority of the non-specific viral illness.}, keywords = {{E}nterovirus ; {O}utbreak ; {M}eningitis ; {F}rance ; {E}chovirus 30 ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {C}linical {V}irology}, volume = {61}, numero = {1}, pages = {118--124}, ISSN = {1386-6532}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jcv.2014.05.022}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00012141}, }