@article{PAR00011997, title = {{D}opamine inhibits reproduction in female zebrafish ({D}anio rerio) via three pituitary {D}2 receptor subtypes}, author = {{F}ontaine, {R}. and {A}ffaticati, {P}. and {Y}amamoto, {K}. and {J}olly, {C}. and {B}ureau, {C}. and {B}aloche, {S}. and {G}onnet, {F}. and {V}ernier, {P}. and {D}ufour, {S}ylvie and {P}asqualini, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n many teleosts, the stimulatory control of gonadotrope axis by {G}n{RH} is opposed by an inhibitory control by dopamine ({DA}). {T}he functional importance of this inhibitory pathway differs widely from one teleostean species to another. {T}he zebrafish ({D}anio rerio) is a teleost fish that has become increasingly popular as an experimental vertebrate model. {H}owever, the role of {DA} in the neuroendocrine control of its reproduction has never been studied. {H}ere the authors evaluated in sexually regressed female zebrafish the effects of in vivo treatments with a {DA} {D}2 receptor ({D}2-{R}) antagonist domperidone, or a {G}n{RH} agonist, alone and in combination, on the pituitary level of {FSH} beta and {LH} beta transcripts, the gonadosomatic index, and the ovarian histology. {O}nly the double treatment with {G}n{RH} agonist and domperidone could induce an increase in the expression of {LH} beta, in the gonadosomatic index, and a stimulation of ovarian vitellogenesis, indicating that removal of dopaminergic inhibition is required for the stimulatory action of {G}n{RH} and reactivation of ovarian function to occur. {U}sing double immunofluorescent staining on pituitary, the authors showed in this species the innervation of {LH} cells by tyrosine-hydroxylase immunoreactive fibers. {F}inally, using in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence, the authors showed that the three subtypes of zebrafish {DA} {D}2-{R} ({D}2a, {D}2b, and {D}2c) were expressed in {LH}-producing cells, suggesting that they all may be involved in mediating this inhibition. {T}hese results show for the first time that, in zebrafish, {DA} has a direct and potent inhibitory action capable of opposing the stimulatory effect of {G}n{RH} in the neuroendocrine control of reproduction. ({E}ndocrinology 154: 807-818, 2013)}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}ndocrinology}, volume = {154}, numero = {2}, pages = {807--818}, ISSN = {0013-7227}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1210/en.2012-1759}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00011997}, }