@article{PAR00011675, title = {{M}olecular prevalence of {T}rypanosoma spp. in wild rodents of {S}outheast {A}sia : influence of human settlement habitat}, author = {{P}umhom, {P}. and {P}ognon, {D}. and {Y}angtara, {S}. and {T}haprathorn, {N}. and {M}ilocco, {C}. and {D}ouangboupha, {B}. and {H}erder, {S}t{\'e}phane and {C}haval, {Y}. and {M}orand, {S}. and {J}ittapalapong, {S}. and {D}esquesnes, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study investigated the molecular prevalence of {T}rypanosoma lewisi and {T}. evansi in wild rodents from {C}ambodia, {L}ao {PDR} and {T}hailand. {B}etween 2008 and 2012, rodents (and shrews) were trapped in nine locations and 616 of these were tested using three sets of primers: {TRYP}1 (amplifying {ITS}1 of ribosomal {DNA} of all trypanosomes), {TBR} (amplifying satellite genomic {DNA} of {T}rypanozoon parasites) and {LEW}1 (amplifying {ITS}1 of ribosomal {DNA} of {T}. lewisi). {B}ased on the size of the {PCR} products using {TRYP}1, 17% were positive for {T}. lewisi and 1 center dot 0% positive for {T}rypanozoon. {R}esults were confirmed by sequencing {PCR} products and by using more specific primers ({LEW}1 and {TBR}). {T}he specificity of {TRYP}1 primers, however, failed as rodent {DNA} was amplified in some instances, giving unexpected product sizes. {U}sing {LEW}1 primers, 13 center dot 3% of the samples were confirmed positive for {T}. lewisi, both by {PCR} and sequencing. {I}n {T}hailand, {T}. lewisi was found in {R}attus tanezumi, {R}. exulans and {B}erylmys; in {L}ao {PDR}, in {R}. tanezumi and {R}. exulans, and in {C}ambodia in {R}. tanezumi, {R}. exulans and {R}. norvegicus. {U}sing {TBR}, 1 center dot 3% of the samples tested positive for {T}rypanozoon by {PCR} and sequencing; {T}. evansi is the only species of the {T}rypanozoon subgenus possibly present in wild {A}sian rodents. {T}hese results confirmed its presence in rodents from {T}hailand ({R}. tanezumi), {L}ao {PDR} ({R}. tanezumi, {R}. nitidus) and {C}ambodia ({R}. tanezumi, {N}iviventer fulvescens, {M}axomys surifer). {B}ased on the information related to rodent trapping, it was found that rodent species trapped in and around human dwellings had a higher prevalence of {T}. lewisi infection. {R}. tanezumi and {R}. exulans, two synanthropic species, were mainly found infected in this habitat suggesting a role as a reservoir and thus a potential source of {T}. lewisi for human infection.}, keywords = {{A}nimal pathogens ; trypanosomes ; rodents ; rodent-borne diseases ; {S}outheast {A}sia ; {CAMBODGE} ; {LAOS} ; {THAILANDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}pidemiology and {I}nfection}, volume = {142}, numero = {6}, pages = {1221--1230}, ISSN = {0950-2688}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1017/s0950268813002161}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00011675}, }