@article{PAR00011489, title = {{T}he direction of main phenotypic variance as a channel to morphological evolution : case studies in murine rodents}, author = {{R}enaud, {S}. and {A}uffray, {J}ean-{C}hristophe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} key issue in evolutionary studies is the means by which evolution can be channeled by intrinsic processes such as genetic and development. {S}tudying the phenotypic variation in a population can shed light on these constraints, because phenotypic variation, being the product of genetic and developmental processes, is the target of both selective screening and random sampling. {T}he main phenotypic variance in populations ("{P}max") could thus act as a "line of least resistance to evolution". {B}ased on morphometric analysis of molar evolution in several fossil lineages and modern murine rodents, the role of {P}max as line of least resistance to evolution is investigated: {D}oes evolution along lineages actually occur along {P}max? {D}oes this line of least resistance facilitate parallel evolution? {W}hat is the relationship of {P}max to developmental processes and functional constraints? {C}ase studies on murine rodent teeth are complemented by examples focusing on mouse mandibles. {C}ompared to teeth, which are mineralized early during development, the mandible, as a bone, is prone to shape changes through remodeling in relation to masticatory muscles and other tissues. {M}andible shape may thus vary throughout an animal's life due to allometric growth and, more generally, because of environmental influences. {T}his may lead the mandible's {P}max to align with the direction of plastic and allometric variation. {H}owever, the same kind of shape change may also be produced by genetic changes. {T}hese examples illustrate how studying patterns of phenotypic variance using geometric morphometrics can help to identify evolutionary processes, bridging several evolutionary levels from intra-group variation to inter-group evolution, and therefore can contribute to an integrated view of phenotypic evolution.}, keywords = {morphometrics ; {M}urinae ; evolutionary lineages ; molar ; mandible ; {F}ourier ; outline analysis}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ystrix-{I}talian {J}ournal of {M}ammalogy}, volume = {24}, numero = {1}, pages = {85--93}, ISSN = {0394-1914}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.4404/hystrix-24.1-6296}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00011489}, }