@article{PAR00011189, title = {{C}odon usage, amino acid usage, transfer {RNA} and amino-acyl-t{RNA} synthetases in mimiviruses}, author = {{C}olson, {P}. and {F}ournous, {G}. and {D}iene, {S}. {M}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}imiviruses are giant viruses that infect phagocytic protists, including {A}canthamoebae spp., which were discovered during the past decade. {T}hey are the current record holder among viruses for their large particle and genome sizes. {O}ne group is composed of three lineages, referred to as {A}, {B} and {C}, which include the vast majority of the {M}imiviridae members. {C}afeteria roenbergensis virus represents a second group, though the {M}imiviridae family is still expanding. {W}e analyzed the codon and amino acid usages in mimiviruses, as well as both the transfer {RNA} (t{RNA}) and amino acyl-t{RNA} synthetases. {W}e confirmed that the codon and amino acid usages of these giant viruses are highly dissimilar to those in their amoebal host {A}canthamoeba castellanii and are instead correlated with the high adenine and thymine ({AT}) content of {M}imivirus genomes. {W}e further describe that the set of t{RNA}s and amino acyl-t{RNA} synthetases in mimiviruses is globally not adapted to the codon and amino acid usages of these viruses. {N}otwithstanding, {L}eu({TAA})t{RNA}, present in several {M}imivirus genomes and in multiple copies in some viral genomes, may complement the amoebal t{RNA} pool and may contribute to accommodate the viral {AT}-rich codons. {I}n addition, we found that the genes most highly expressed at the beginning of the {M}imivirus replicative cycle have a nucleotide content more adapted to the codon usage in {A}. castellanii.}, keywords = {{M}imiviridae ; {M}imivirus ; {C}odon usage ; {C}odon bias ; {A}canthamoeba spp. ; {A}moeba ; {M}arseillevirus ; {M}arseilleviridae ; {M}egavirales ; {N}ucleocytoplasmic ; large {DNA} viruses}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}ntervirology}, volume = {56}, numero = {6}, pages = {364--375}, ISSN = {0300-5526}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1159/000354557}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00011189}, }