@article{PAR00011176, title = {{D}escribing the silent human virome with an emphasis on giant viruses}, author = {{P}opgeorgiev, {N}. and {T}emmam, {S}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier and {D}esnues, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{V}iruses are the most abundant obligate intracellular entities in our body. {U}ntil recently, they were only considered to be pathogens that caused a broad array of pathologies, ranging from mild disease to deaths in the most severe cases. {H}owever, recent advances in unbiased mass sequencing techniques as well as increasing epidemiological evidence have indicated that the human body is home to diverse viral species under non-pathological conditions. {D}espite these studies, the description of the presumably healthy viral flora, i.e. the normal human virome, is still in its infancy regarding viral composition and dynamics. {T}his review summarizes our current knowledge of the human virome under non-pathological conditions.}, keywords = {{P}apillomaviruses ; {V}iral flora ; {M}egavirome ; {H}umans}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}ntervirology}, volume = {56}, numero = {6}, pages = {395--412}, ISSN = {0300-5526}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1159/000354561}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00011176}, }