@article{PAR00011175, title = {{TRUC} or the need for a new microbial classification}, author = {{R}aoult, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}icrobes were defined in the 19th century by {L}. {P}asteur. {P}rokaryotes and eukaryotes, which are divided into two worlds of microbes, were introduced by {E}. {C}hatton in 1925. {R}. {W}oese divided this world into three domains based on ribosomal analysis ({B}acteria, {A}rchaea, and {E}ukarya). {T}he discovery of {M}imivirus and other {M}egavirales, that are microbes, led to divide the microbiological world into four branches. {I} introduced the name {TRUC} ({T}hings {R}esisting {U}ncompleted {C}lassifications) to accommodate the division in four of the currently known microbiological world.}, keywords = {{A}rchaea ; {B}acteria ; {E}ukarya ; {M}egavirales ; {M}imivirus ; {TRUC} - {T}hings ; {R}esisting {U}ncompleted {C}lassifications}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}ntervirology}, volume = {56}, numero = {6}, pages = {349--353}, ISSN = {0300-5526}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1159/000354269}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00011175}, }