@article{PAR00011169, title = {{J}oint spatial, topological and scaling analysis framework of river-network geomorphometry}, author = {{A}ouissi, {J}. and {P}ouget, {J}ean-{C}hristophe and {B}oudhraa, {H}. and {S}torer, {G}. and {C}udennec, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}iver networks are structural and functional backbones of river basins. {T}hey frequently display general scaling properties through their hierarchical topology. {T}heir mathematical description further feeds geomorphology-based hydrological analyses and modelling approaches that require little calibration. {N}evertheless, particular river basins display widely diverse geomorphometic structures in relation to relief, geology, climate and anthropogenic constraints, as well as various hydrological structure-function relationships. {A} robust, flexible and systematic approach is thus needed to allow for joint spatial, topological and scaling analyses, in order to explore the hydro-geomorphological diversity. {T}he {H}ydro{S}truct software application is dedicated to such analyses, and to easily link geomorphometric observations with hydrological analysis and modelling approaches, such as geomorphology-based transfer functions, accounting for rainfall variability within rainfall-runoff modelling, and impact assessment of landscape and hydraulic changes. {H}ydro{S}truct was developed within the generic {O}de-fi{X} framework, which provides {J}ava software components to allow co-development and interfacing of object-oriented models.}, keywords = {river network ; geomorphometry ; spatial organisation ; scale ; topology ; software application}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}{\'e}omorphologie : {R}elief, {P}rocessus, {E}nvironnement}, volume = {1}, numero = {}, pages = {7--16}, ISSN = {1266-5304}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.4000/geomorphologie.10082}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00011169}, }