@article{PAR00011063, title = {{A} unifying quantitative framework for exploring the multiple facets of microbial biodiversity across diverse scales}, author = {{E}scalas, {A}. and {B}ouvier, {T}. and {M}ouchet, {M}. {A}. and {L}eprieur, {F}. and {B}ouvier, {C}. and {T}roussellier, {M}arc and {M}ouillot, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}ecent developments of molecular tools have revolutionized our knowledge of microbial biodiversity by allowing detailed exploration of its different facets and generating unprecedented amount of data. {O}ne key issue with such large datasets is the development of diversity measures that cope with different data outputs and allow comparison of biodiversity across different scales. {D}iversity has indeed three components: local (), regional () and the overall difference between local communities (). {C}urrent measures of microbial diversity, derived from several approaches, provide complementary but different views. {T}hey only capture the component of diversity, compare communities in a pairwise way, consider all species as equivalent or lack a mathematically explicit relationship among the , and components. {W}e propose a unified quantitative framework based on the {R}ao quadratic entropy, to obtain an additive decomposition of diversity (=+), so the three components can be compared, and that integrate the relationship (phylogenetic or functional) among {M}icrobial {D}iversity {U}nits that compose a microbial community. {W}e show how this framework is adapted to all types of molecular data, and we highlight crucial issues in microbial ecology that would benefit from this framework and propose ready-to-use {R}-functions to easily set up our approach.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {M}icrobiology}, volume = {15}, numero = {10}, pages = {2642--2657}, ISSN = {1462-2912}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1111/1462-2920.12156}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00011063}, }