@article{PAR00010832, title = {{F}ate of {S}b({V}) and {S}b({III}) species along a gradient of p{H} and oxygen concentration in the {C}arnoules mine waters ({S}outhern {F}rance)}, author = {{R}esongles, {E}. and {C}asiot, {C}. and {E}lbaz-{P}oulichet, {F}. and {F}reydier, {R}. and {B}runeel, {O}dile and {P}iot, {C}. and {D}elpoux, {S}. and {V}olant, {A}. and {D}esoeuvre, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he speciation and behaviour of antimony were investigated in surface waters downstream from the abandoned {P}b-{Z}n {C}arnoules mine ({G}ard, {F}rance). {T}hese waters exhibit a permanent gradient of oxygen concentration and p{H}, ranging from acid suboxic in {R}eigous {C}reek at the outlet of sulfide tailings impoundment, to near neutral oxygenated at downstream sites along the rivers {A}mous and {G}ardon. {T}he concentration of total dissolved (<0.22 mu m) antimony, acquired through a seven-year monitoring, decreased from 7.7-409.9 mu g {L}-1 at the source of {R}eigous {C}reek to 0.22-0.45 mu g {L}-1 in the {G}ardon {R}iver, showing natural {S}b attenuation. {S}peciation analysis carried out during three surveys indicated that {S}b({III}) represented up to 70% of the total dissolved {S}b concentration at the source of {R}eigous {C}reek, while {S}b({V}) represented less than 50%. {F}ield characterization showed that {S}b({III}) and {S}b({V}) species were attenuated through dilution and were also removed from the dissolved phase during downstream transport. {S}peciation analysis in suspended particulate matter extracts gave a distribution of particulate {S}b into 70 to 100% of {S}b({III}) and less than 30% of {S}b({V}). {T}he removal of {S}b({III}) and {S}b({V}) species from the dissolved phase was concordant with the oversaturation of {R}eigous {C}reek water relative to {S}b({III})- and {S}b({V})-oxides and {S}b({III})- and {S}b({V})-{F}e oxides. {S}b({III}) was more efficiently removed than {S}b({V}) or {A}s({III}) and it was no more detectable in the dissolved phase at downstream sites in the rivers {A}mous and {G}ardon. {C}onversely, the concentration of {S}b({V}) in the rivers {A}mous and {G}ardon still denoted contamination arising from the {C}arnoules mine. {T}he range of log {K}-d values, from 2.4 {L} kg(-1) to 4.9 {L} kg(-1), indicated that {S}b was mainly transported in the dissolved phase downstream the {R}eigous {C}reek input. {A}ltogether, these results give a better understanding of the fate of {S}b downstream from sulfide-rich mining wastes.}, keywords = {{FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {S}cience-{P}rocesses and {I}mpacts}, volume = {15}, numero = {8}, pages = {1536--1544}, ISSN = {2050-7887}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1039/c3em00215b}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00010832}, }