@article{PAR00010824, title = {{G}enome of {A}canthamoeba castellanii highlights extensive lateral gene transfer and early evolution of tyrosine kinase signaling}, author = {{C}larke, {M}. and {L}ohan, {A}. {J}. and {L}iu, {B}. and {L}agkouvardos, {I}. and {R}oy, {S}. and {Z}afar, {N}. and {B}ertelli, {C}. and {S}childe, {C}. and {K}ianianmomeni, {A}. and {B}urglin, {T}. {R}. and {F}rech, {C}. and {T}urcotte, {B}. and {K}opec, {K}. {O}. and {S}ynnott, {J}. {M}. and {C}hoo, {C}. and {P}aponov, {I}. and {F}inkler, {A}. and {T}an, {C}. {S}. {H}. and {H}utchins, {A}. {P}. and {W}einmeier, {T}. and {R}attei, {T}. and {C}hu, {J}. {S}. and {G}imenez, {G}. and {I}rimia, {M}. and {R}igden, {D}. {J}. and {F}itzpatrick, {D}. {A}. and {L}orenzo-{M}orales, {J}. and {B}ateman, {A}. and {C}hiu, {C}. {H}. and {T}ang, {P}. and {H}egemann, {P}. and {F}romm, {H}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier and {G}reub, {G}. and {M}iranda-{S}aavedra, {D}. and {C}hen, {N}. and {N}ash, {P}. and {G}inger, {M}. {L}. and {H}orn, {M}. and {S}chaap, {P}. and {C}aler, {L}. and {L}oftus, {B}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {T}he {A}moebozoa constitute one of the primary divisions of eukaryotes, encompassing taxa of both biomedical and evolutionary importance, yet its genomic diversity remains largely unsampled. {H}ere we present an analysis of a whole genome assembly of {A}canthamoeba castellanii ({A}c) the first representative from a solitary free-living amoebozoan. {R}esults: {A}c encodes 15,455 compact intron-rich genes, a significant number of which are predicted to have arisen through inter-kingdom lateral gene transfer ({LGT}). {A} majority of the {LGT} candidates have undergone a substantial degree of intronization and {A}c appears to have incorporated them into established transcriptional programs. {A}c manifests a complex signaling and cell communication repertoire, including a complete tyrosine kinase signaling toolkit and a comparable diversity of predicted extracellular receptors to that found in the facultatively multicellular dictyostelids. {A}n important environmental host of a diverse range of bacteria and viruses, {A}c utilizes a diverse repertoire of predicted pattern recognition receptors, many with predicted orthologous functions in the innate immune systems of higher organisms. {C}onclusions: {O}ur analysis highlights the important role of {LGT} in the biology of {A}c and in the diversification of microbial eukaryotes. {T}he early evolution of a key signaling facility implicated in the evolution of metazoan multicellularity strongly argues for its emergence early in the {U}nikont lineage. {O}verall, the availability of an {A}c genome should aid in deciphering the biology of the {A}moebozoa and facilitate functional genomic studies in this important model organism and environmental host.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}enome {B}iology}, volume = {14}, numero = {2}, pages = {{R}11}, ISSN = {1465-6906}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1186/gb-2013-14-2-r11}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00010824}, }