@article{PAR00010722, title = {{C}ell extract-containing medium for culture of intracellular fastidious bacteria}, author = {{S}ingh, {S}. and {K}owalczewska, {M}. and {E}douard, {S}. and {E}ldin, {C}. and {P}erreal, {C}. and {W}eber, {P}. and {A}zza, {S}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he culture of fastidious microorganisms is a critical step in infectious disease studies. {A}s a proof-of-concept experiment, we evaluated an empirical medium containing eukaryotic cell extracts for its ability to support the growth of {C}oxiella burnetii. {H}ere, we demonstrate the exponential growth of several bacterial strains, including the {C}. burnetii {N}ine {M}ile phase {I} and phase {II} strains, and {C}. burnetii isolates from humans and animals. {L}ow-oxygen-tension conditions and the presence of small hydrophilic molecules and short peptides were critical for facilitating growth. {M}oreover, bacterial antigenicity was conserved, revealing the potential for this culture medium to be used in diagnostic tests and in the elaboration of vaccines against {C}. burnetii. {W}e were also able to grow the majority of previously tested intracellular and fastidious bacterial species, including {T}ropheryma whipplei, {M}ycobacterium bovis, {L}eptospira spp., {B}orrelia spp., and most putative bioterrorism agents. {H}owever, we were unable to culture {R}ickettsia africae and {L}egionella spp. in this medium. {T}he versatility of this medium should encourage its use as a replacement for the cell-based culture systems currently used for growing several facultative and putative intracellular bacterial species.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {C}linical {M}icrobiology}, volume = {51}, numero = {8}, pages = {2599--2607}, ISSN = {0095-1137}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1128/jcm.00719-13}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00010722}, }