@article{PAR00010631, title = {{I}nfectious endocarditis detected by {PET}/{CT} in a patient with a prosthetic knee infection : case report and review of the literature}, author = {{G}ouriet, {F}. and {B}ayle, {S}. and {L}e {D}olley, {Y}. and {S}eng, {P}. and {C}ammilleri, {S}. and {S}tein, {A}. and {C}asalta, {J}. {P}. and {H}abib, {G}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e report a case illustrating the potential use of 18{F}-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography ({PET}/{CT}) for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis ({IE}) in an 84-y-old woman who had a history of chronic left knee osteitis and a mitral cardiac valve bioprosthesis replacement and a pacemaker. {S}he developed a polymicrobial knee infection 15 days after her total knee replacement. {T}ransoesophageal echocardiography showed a new mitral regurgitation, but no vegetation or abscess. {PET}/{CT} showed hypermetabolic hyperactivity around the mitral cardiac valve prosthesis and the intracardiac pacemaker leads. {W}e found 17 case reports and 2 case series of {IE} in which {PET}/{CT} showed encouraging results for the detection of {IE}. {PET}/{CT} may be used in patients with a suspicion of {IE} who do not have echocardiographic evidence of {IE}. {I}t may also be useful for identifying the portal of entry of an infection and for identifying secondary foci (mycotic aneurysm).}, keywords = {{I}nfectious endocarditis ; {PET}/{CT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}candinavian {J}ournal of {I}nfectious {D}iseases}, volume = {45}, numero = {7}, pages = {570--574}, ISSN = {0036-5548}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.3109/00365548.2013.767472}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00010631}, }