@article{PAR00010519, title = {{P}artial disruption of translational and posttranslational machinery reshapes growth rates of {B}artonella birtlesii}, author = {{R}olain, {J}. {M}. and {V}ayssier-{T}aussat, {M}. and {S}aisongkorh, {W}. and {M}erhej, {V}. and {G}imenez, {G}. and {R}obert, {C}. and {L}e {R}hun, {D}. and {D}ehio, {C}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}pecialization of bacteria in a new niche is associated with genome repertoire changes, and speciation in bacterial specialists is associated with genome reduction. {H}ere, we tested a signature-tagged mutant library of 3,456 {B}artonella birtlesii clones to detect mutants that could grow rapidly in vitro. {O}verall, we found 124 mutants that grew faster than the parental wild-type strain in vitro. {W}e sequenced the genomes of the four mutants with the most rapid growth (formed visible colonies in only 1 to 2 days compared with 5 days for the wild type) and compared them to the parental isolate genome. {W}e found that the number of disrupted genes associated with translation in the 124 rapid-growth clones was significantly higher than the number of genes involved in translation in the full genome ({P} < 10(-6)). {A}nalysis of transposon integration in the genome of the four most rapidly growing clones revealed that one clone lacked one of the two wild-type {RNA} ribosomal operons. {F}inally, one of the four clones did not induce bacteremia in our mouse model, whereas infection with the other three resulted in a significantly lower bacterial count in blood than that with the wild-type strain. {IMPORTANCE} {H}ere, we show that specialization in a specific niche could be caused by the disruption of critical genes. {M}ost of these genes were involved in translation, and we show that evolution of obligate parasitism bacteria was specifically associated with disruption of translation system-encoding genes.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}bio}, volume = {4}, numero = {2}, pages = {e00115--13}, ISSN = {2150-7511}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1128/m{B}io.00115-13}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00010519}, }