@article{PAR00010418, title = {"{M}arseilleviridae", a new family of giant viruses infecting amoebae}, author = {{C}olson, {P}. and {P}agnier, {I}. and {Y}oosuf, {N}. and {F}ournous, {G}. and {L}a {S}cola, {B}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he family "{M}arseilleviridae" is a new proposed taxon for giant viruses that infect amoebae. {I}ts first member, {A}canthamoeba polyphaga marseillevirus ({APM}a{V}), was isolated in 2007 by culturing on amoebae a water sample collected from a cooling tower in {P}aris, {F}rance. {APM}a{V} has an icosahedral shape with a diameter of a parts per thousand 250 nm. {I}ts genome is a double-stranded circular {DNA} that is 368,454 base pairs (bp) in length. {T}he genome has a {GC} content of 44.7 % and is predicted to encode 457 proteins. {P}hylogenetic reconstructions showed that {APM}a{V} belongs to a new viral family among nucleocytoplasmic large {DNA} viruses, a group of viruses that also includes {A}canthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus ({APMV}) and the other members of the family {M}imiviridae as well as the members of the families {P}oxviridae, {P}hycodnaviridae, {I}ridoviridae, {A}scoviridae, and {A}sfarviridae. {I}n 2011, {A}canthamoeba castellanii lausannevirus ({ACL}a{V}), another close relative of {APM}a{V}, was isolated from river water in {F}rance. {T}he {ACL}a{V} genome is 346,754 bp in size and encodes 450 genes, among which 320 have an {APM}a{V} protein as the closest homolog. {T}wo other giant viruses closely related to {APM}a{V} and {ACL}a{V} have been recovered in our laboratory from a freshwater sample and a human stool sample using an amoebal co-culture method. {T}he only currently identified hosts for "marseilleviruses" are {A}canthamoeba spp. {T}he prevalence of these viruses in the environment and in animals and humans remains to be determined.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}rchives of {V}irology}, volume = {158}, numero = {4}, pages = {915--920}, ISSN = {0304-8608}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1007/s00705-012-1537-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00010418}, }