@article{PAR00010396, title = {{A}daptive control of algae detachment in regulated canal networks}, author = {{F}ovet, {O}. and {L}itrico, {X}. and {B}elaud, {G}illes and {G}enthon, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}pen-channel distribution networks are subject to algal developments that can induce major disturbances such as clogging of hydraulic devices (pipes, weirs, filters, flow meters). {F}lushes can be used as a strategy to manage these algae developments. {A} flush is carried out by increasing the hydraulic shear conditions using hydraulic control structures of the canal network. {I}n response to the shear stress increase, a part of the fixed algae is detached, then re-suspended into the water column, and finally transported downstream. {T}his leads to a peak of turbidity that has to be controlled. {I}n this paper, we develop a distributed linear model of the turbidity dynamics that is used for real-time adaptive control of the flushes. {S}imulations show the effectiveness of the adaptive controller, which can, at the same time, estimate the gain of the system, linked to the amount of initial fixed biomass, and perform a flush without exceeding the turbidity limit.}, keywords = {adaptive control ; algae ; hydraulic flush ; linear model ; open channels ; turbidity}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydroinformatics}, volume = {15}, numero = {2}, pages = {321--334}, ISSN = {1464-7141}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.2166/hydro.2013.166}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00010396}, }