@article{PAR00010319, title = {{C}haracterization of clostridial species and sulfite-reducing anaerobes isolated from foie gras with respect to microbial quality and safety}, author = {{P}revost, {S}. and {C}ayol, {J}. {L}. and {Z}uber, {F}. and {T}holozan, {J}ean-{L}uc and {R}emize, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}naerobic sulfite-reducing bacteria are generally considered as indicators of clostridial contamination in meat products. {W}e reconsidered the relevance of this indicator for crude and pasteurized foie gras. {A} three-year study was conducted to recover anaerobic sulfite-reducing bacteria from foie gras manufactures. {U}nder anaerobic culture at 37 degrees {C}, 98 isolates were obtained from crude or pasteurized foie gras, surfaces and pepper used in the recipe and further identified. {H}eat-treated products lead to the exclusive isolation of {C}lostridium strains, but other samples demonstrated a high diversity of non-spore forming bacterial species. {T}he diversity in the {C}lostridium group was also high, with 14 different species represented from the 49 clostridial isolates, including {C}lostridium perfringens and psychrotolerant species. {A}ll the 12 {C}. perfringens isolates belonged to type {A}, but none carried the enterotoxin gene. {I}n addition, none of them was able to grow in foie gras at 8 degrees {C} over a 130-days period. {O}ther species were also tested for their ability to grow in these conditions: only three isolates, identified as {C}lostridium sordellii, {C}lostridium tertium and {C}lostridium algidicarnis/putrefaciens, grew at 8 degrees {C}, exhibiting 5 to 6 log of population increase in 70 days. {C}onsequently, regarding the risk of product spoilage, we recommend anaerobes enumeration at 37 degrees {C} for pasteurized foie gras products, or after a thermal treatment aiming at spore selection, for crude foie gras.}, keywords = {{C}lostridium ; {F}oie gras ; {S}torage ; {S}pore ; {A}naerobic sulfite-reducing ; {S}poilage}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}ood {C}ontrol}, volume = {32}, numero = {1}, pages = {222--227}, ISSN = {0956-7135}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foodcont.2012.11.030}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00010319}, }