@article{PAR00009791, title = {{M}agneto-{C}oriolis waves in a spherical {C}ouette flow experiment}, author = {{S}chmitt, {D}. and {C}ardin, {P}hilippe and {L}a {R}izza, {P}. and {N}ataf, {H}. {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he dynamics of fluctuations in a fast rotating spherical {C}ouette flow experiment in the presence of a strong dipolar magnetic field is investigated in detail, through a thorough analysis of the experimental data as well as a numerical study. {F}luctuations within the conducting fluid (liquid sodium) are characterized by the presence of several oscillation modes, identified as magneto-{C}oriolis ({MC}) modes, with definite symmetry and azimuthal number. {A} numerical simulation provides eigensolutions which exhibit oscillation frequencies and magnetic signatures comparable to the observation. {T}he main characteristics of these hydromagnetic modes is that the magnetic contribution has a fundamental influence on the dynamical properties through the {L}orentz forces, although its importance remains weak in an energetical point of view. {A}nother specificity is that the {L}orentz forces are confined near the inner sphere where the dipolar magnetic field is the strongest, while the {C}oriolis forces are concentrated in the outer fluid volume close to the outer sphere.}, keywords = {{M}agnetohydrodynamics ; {M}agneto-{C}oriolis waves ; {R}otating flows ; {S}pherical ; {C}ouette}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}uropean {J}ournal of {M}echanics {B}. {F}luids}, volume = {37}, numero = {}, pages = {10--22}, ISSN = {0997-7546}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.euromechflu.2012.09.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00009791}, }