@article{PAR00007613, title = {{U}n jeu de simulation pour pr{\'e}parer une gouvernance de l_eau : une exp{\'e}rience en {T}unisie centrale = {A} simulation game to prepare water governance : an experiment in {C}entral {T}unisia}, author = {{L}e {B}ars, {M}arjorie and {L}e {G}russe, {P}. and {A}lbouchi, {L}. and {P}oussin, {J}ean-{C}hristophe}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{U}ntil the 2000s, water resources in {T}unisia were managed solely by official services without consulting water users. {A}t the local scale, {C}ommissariats {R}egionaux de {D}eveloppement {A}gricole ({CRDA}), representing the official services, managed water resources. {T}hen, the {T}unisian government decided to involve farmers in the local management of water resources by creating the {A}gricultural {D}evelopment {A}ssociation ({GDA}). {A}t present, water resource management by the {CRDA} must take into account water demands from {GDA} farmer representatives, and farmers must become aware of water scarcity and resource sharing. {H}ow can the {CRDA} and {GDA} envisage cooperative water management? {I}n this paper we present a simulation game requested by {K}airouan {CRDA} agents for building cooperative management of the water resources in a typical small watershed of {C}entral {T}unisia. {O}ur aim was to use this game to increase farmers' awareness of resource sharing, scarcity and overexploitation impacts, as well as {CRDA} agents' awareness of uses that determine the water demand. {T}his game is based on a hydrological model of the watershed and an agroeconomical model of farming systems that use the water resources for irrigation. {A} simulation game was played with concerned farmers in the {GDA} but without {CRDA} agents because of tensions between the groups. {T}his partial failure shows that participative approaches with game supports rely upon maintaining agent motivation throughout the process.}, keywords = {governance ; groundwater ; participatory approaches ; simulation ; {T}unisia}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ahiers {A}gricultures}, volume = {20}, numero = {1-2}, pages = {105--111}, ISSN = {1166-7699}, year = {2011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00007613}, }