@article{PAR00006589, title = {{A}ssessment of five markers as potential barcodes for identifying {S}argassum subgenus {S}argassum species ({P}haeophyceae, {F}ucales)}, author = {{M}attio, {L}. and {P}ayri, {C}laude}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{DNA} barcoding has been the focus of numerous publications, but only limited studies are available for marine macroalgae and even less are specific to {P}haeophyceae. {T}he case study presented here assesses the potential of five different markers for use as {DNA} barcodes in the genus {S}argassum: the nuclear {ITS}-2, a portion of the chloroplastic {R}ubis{CO} operon and a mitochondrial spacer (mtsp), {COI} and cox3. {T}o assess and compare the identification success of the five markers we used three criteria based on distance methods: {B}est {M}atch, {B}est {C}lose {M}atch and {A}ll {S}pecies {B}arcodes applied to five datasets representing 13 closely related species of {S}argassum subgenus {S}argassum. {R}esults demonstrated the inadequacy of {ITS}-2 and {R}ubis{CO} as barcode markers while they suggested the potential of the mitochondrial markers. {A}dditional research is needed based on numerically and geographically larger datasets to further assess the identification success of these markers.}, keywords = {{ITS}-2 ; cox3 ; {COI} ; mitochondrial spacer ; partial {R}ubis{CO} operon ; barcoding ; {B}est {M}atch ; {B}est {C}lose {M}atch ; {A}ll {S}pecies {B}arcodes}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ryptogamie {A}lgologie}, volume = {31}, numero = {4}, pages = {467--485}, ISSN = {0181-1568}, year = {2010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00006589}, }