@article{PAR00004048, title = {{M}olecular diversity and host specificity of termite-associated {X}ylaria}, author = {{G}uedegbe, {H}. {J}. and {M}iambi, {E}. and {P}ando, {A}nne and {H}oungnandan, {P}. and {R}ouland {L}ef{\`e}vre, {C}orinne}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}tudies have revealed that some {X}ylaria species were closely associated with fungus-growing termite nests. {H}owever this relationship) rarely had been investigated and the host specificity of: termite-associated {X}ylaria {W}as not yet {C}learly established. {E}ighteen {X}ylaria. r{DNA}-{ITS} sequences were obtained from fungus combs belonging to 11 {M}acrotermitinae species front eight. regions. {L}ow diversity was {F}ound between isolates, and nine sequences were retrieved. {T}ermite-associated {X}ylaria were shown to be monophyletic, with three main clades, all including strains from various termite hosts and geographical localities. {T}his new molecular study shows no species specificity with respect to fungus-growing termites, which suggests that there might be substrate specialization.}, keywords = {fungus combs ; host specificity ; {ITS} sequences ; phylogeny ; termite-associated {X}ylaria}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}ycologia}, volume = {101}, numero = {5}, pages = {686--691}, ISSN = {0027-5514}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.3852/08-182}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00004048}, }