@article{PAR00002829, title = {{S}outhern {O}cean overturning across streamlines in an eddying simulation of the {A}ntarctic {C}ircumpolar {C}urrent}, author = {{T}r{\'e}guier, {A}.{M}. and {E}ngland, {M}. and {R}intoul, {S}.{R}. and {M}adec, {G}urvan and {L}e {S}ommer, {J}. and {M}olines, {J}.{M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}n eddying global model is used to study the characteristics of the {A}ntarctic {C}ircumpolar {C}urrent ({ACC}) in a streamline-following framework. {I}n the upper layers, the meridional circulation across streamlines agrees with the theoretical view: an equatorward mean flow partially cancelled by a poleward eddy mass flux. {T}he same calculation in a zonal average gives a completely different view and underestimates the eddy effects. {T}wo model simulations, in which the buoyancy forcing above the {ACC} changes from positive to negative, suggest that the relationship between the residual meridional circulation and the surface buoyancy flux is not as straightforward as assumed by some recent theoretical studies: even the sign of the residual circulation cannot be inferred from the buoyancy forcing. {H}eat and salt transports by the time-mean flow are important even in the streamline framework. {S}treamline-averaged, two-dimensional models cannot account quantitatively for the complex three-dimensional structure of the {ACC}. {H}eat and salt are balanced in the {ACC}, the model drift being small, but the nonlinearity of the equation of state cannot be ignored in the density balance.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}cean {S}cience {D}iscussions}, volume = {4}, numero = {4}, pages = {653--698}, year = {2007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00002829}, }