@article{PAR00002813, title = {{L}ifestyle and mercury contamination of {A}merindian populations along the {B}eni river (lowland {B}olivia).}, author = {{M}onrroy, {S}.{X}.{L}. and {L}opez, {R}.{W}. and {R}oulet, {M}arc and {B}{\'e}n{\'e}fice, {E}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he objective of this paper was to document mercury contamination of {A}merindian populations living along the {B}eni {R}iver in {B}olivia and to examine risk factors related to their lifestyle. {A} cross-sectional survey was performed among 15 communities on the flood plains of the {B}eni {R}iver at the foothills of the {A}ndes. {H}air mercury content ({H}-{H}g) served as a bioindicator of mercury contamination. {M}ercury values were available for 556 people. {F}our indicators of lifestyle were analyzed: community accessibility, subsistence activity, fish consumption, and ethnicity (i.e., members of the {T}acana or {E}se {E}jja ethnic group). {T}he median of {H}-{H}g was equal to 4.0 microg/g (95% {CI} [confidence interval] = 3.6-4.4). {A}pproximately 86% of the subjects had {H}-{H}g values lower than 10 microg/g. {N}o significant differences existed in {H}-{H}g between adult women and children, nor according to age group. {S}ubjects belonging to the {E}se {E}jja ethnic group had higher {H}-{H}g than subjects from the {T}acanas ethnic group. {C}ommunities accessible only by canoe were more frequently contaminated than those accessible by road. {S}ubjects who ate at least one serving of fish per day had higher {H}-{H}g, and families who maintained substantial fishing activity were more strongly contaminated. {C}ontamination levels were found to be low compared with other {A}mazonian studies. {T}he most strongly affected groups, however, were those which preserved a traditional way of life and were the most economically and socially disadvantaged.}, keywords = {{M}ercury ; human contamination ; fish consumption ; riverside populations ; {BOLIVIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}nvironmental {H}ealth}, volume = {71}, numero = {4}, pages = {44--50}, year = {2008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00002813}, }