@article{PAR00002731, title = {{A}grometerological study of semi-arid areas : an experiment for analysing the potential of time series of {FORMOSAT}-2 images ({T}ensift-{M}arrakech plain)}, author = {{D}uchemin, {B}eno{\^i}t and {H}agolle, {O}. and {M}ougenot, {B}ernard and {B}enhadj, {I}. and {H}adria, {R}. and {S}imonneaux, {V}incent and {E}zzahar, {J}. and {H}oedjes, {J}. and {K}habba, {S}. and {K}harrou, {M}. {H}. and {B}oulet, {G}illes and {D}edieu, {G}. and {E}r-{R}aki, {S}. and {E}scadafal, {R}ichard and {O}lioso, {A}. and {C}hehbouni, {A}bdelghani}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}arth {O}bserving {S}ystems designed to provide both high spatial resolution (10m) and high capacity of time revisit (a few days) offer strong opportunities for the management of agricultural water resources. {T}he {FORMOSAT}-2 satellite is the first and only satellite with the ability to provide daily high-resolution images over a particular area with constant viewing angles. {A}s part of the {S}ud{M}ed project, one of the first time series of {FORMOSAT}-2 images has been acquired over the semi-arid {T}ensift-{M}arrakech plain. {A}long with these acquisitions, an experimental data set has been collected to monitor land-cover/land-use, soil characteristics, vegetation dynamics and surface fluxes. {T}his paper presents a first analysis of the potential of these data for agrometerological study of semi-arid areas.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {R}emote {S}ensing}, volume = {29}, numero = {17-18}, pages = {5291--5300}, ISSN = {0143-1161}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1080/01431160802036482}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00002731}, }